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Showing posts from June, 2020

Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia)

The most beautiful thing about this plant is its patchy leaves with light color inside and darker shade of green outside. Looks like the colors got painted on its leaves to enhance its beauty.  Here are the handful of benefits which Dumb cane can provide us very efficiently . A great air-purifier: Experts say indoor humidity levels should be between 40% to 60%. Plants can help to increase indoor humidity with a very known process called transpiration, where the plants take the water form the soil and get this water release through the pores beneath the leaves. So, the more you plant, the better your indoor air quality will be. Along with Snake plant, Dracaena reflexa , Arrow head , Pothos aka Indian money plants, Dieffenbachia is also a very efficient air purifier. Some of the physiological benefits are, they can relieve depression along with lowering the blood pressure. Hence, we consider this plant an air- purifying plant. Picture Courtesy: Demand


Cordyline is a very cooperative indoor as well as outdoor plant. It demands less care but, it doesn’t mean that we will not help it to grow further. For Cordyline to grow they need manured well-drained soil. Bright light can help a premature plant to grow, but the grown plant might need direct sunlight to grow healthy. Not required, but you can give fertilizers once in six months. If you have kept this plant outside in winters, then tie its leaves and wrap it’s stems with a soft warm fabric. Picture Courtesy: Cordyline genus has 15 species of beautiful colored leaves. Like purple, white, yellow, a pinkish tinge on red leaves, which is a next level beauty and also known as Ti Plant. Here are the various benefits of Ti plant. Reduces inflammation: This plant helps in reducing the inflammation of gums and pain. Take one Ti plant leave, crush it and mix it with salt. Apply on your inflamed gum every morning. Your gums will start recovering soon. Cures toxi

Benefits of Palm

Palm tree is a very commonly used herb. Aggressively grown across all over UAE. Palm fruit is popularly known as Dates. Dates are exported from Arab countries to all parts of the world.  In Hindi, the Palm fruit is called Khajur. In Latin, this is called Phoenix Sylvestris. In Arab it is known as Nakhleh-A. Dates and leaf of Palm trees are nutritious and only give fruits in winters. There are almost 10-12 varieties of Dates and we only consume one of those.  Picture Courtesy: Most of the people plant palm trees in their garden to enhance the beauty of their house and to increase prosperity. Palm leaves can also be used as a remedy to cure a few diseases. In Ayurveda, Dates are considered as fruits with a cool quotient. However, it’s nature will only cool after digestion. Before digestion, it’s nature is hot, which is why it is hard to digest and generate acid. Therefore, it is advised to have maximum 5-6 dates per day for better results and have