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Arrowhead Plant

Arrowhead plant or Syngonium plant is one of the plants which requires less maintenance. It’s the best plan for the beginners, because it neglects negligence and needs less care. It just needs bright light or 1-2 hours of sunlight daily to grow. As it has capability to grow healthy in shadow too, so this one of the best indoor plants. Syngonium are of different varieties and all look so amazing. This plant can bring a royal look to the room and would be an eye catchy for all the plant lovers.

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As this plant does not need more water, so to prepare the soil to plant Syngonium are below

  1. We take 1/3rd sand, 1/3rd garden soil and 1/3rd any manure. 

  2. The best season to plant is in the rainy season or mild winter season (month of February).

In winters and rainy seasons you can also feed plant the liquid manure or organic compost. However, if you forget to do so, it will not demand much intakes.  This plant is multiplied through root and stem division. 

If we will place this plant in our balcony where Syngonium is getting bright sunlight, then the plant will grow bushy. And if we place the plant inside our house, then it will grow vertically upwards. As this plant needs minimum sunlight and water, so if we have to leave the house for a few days, the plant will still survive and grow healthy.

Researchers from NASA have approved this plant as the top air purifier plants. Syngoniums absorb pollutants and toxins into their leaves and use it for their growth from roots. Some more plants which are great air purifiers are: Dumb cane, Dracaena reflexa, Snake plant, Pothos aka Indian money plant etc. With the help of every indoor plant, the humid level also increases which is good for health and makes a person calm, stress free and creates positive energy.


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