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Cordyline is a very cooperative indoor as well as outdoor plant. It demands less care but, it doesn’t mean that we will not help it to grow further. For Cordyline to grow they need manured well-drained soil. Bright light can help a premature plant to grow, but the grown plant might need direct sunlight to grow healthy. Not required, but you can give fertilizers once in six months. If you have kept this plant outside in winters, then tie its leaves and wrap it’s stems with a soft warm fabric.

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Cordyline genus has 15 species of beautiful colored leaves. Like purple, white, yellow, a pinkish tinge on red leaves, which is a next level beauty and also known as Ti Plant. Here are the various benefits of Ti plant.

  • Reduces inflammation: This plant helps in reducing the inflammation of gums and pain. Take one Ti plant leave, crush it and mix it with salt. Apply on your inflamed gum every morning. Your gums will start recovering soon.

  • Cures toxins/ insect bites:  If you have got bitten by any toxic insect, then immediately crush a few leaves of Ti plant and apply on the affected body surface. The inflammation will soon reduce.

  • Hemorrhoids: When a person drinks very less water, don’t do physical work out, especially who sits a lot, this might be in office, working for 12-18 hours and not taking much fibrous food. Then they might get this disease, where they can experience blood while defecating. To reduce this, take 4-5 leaves of Ti plant and boil in  cups of water. Boil till you remain with 2 cups of water and drink twice a day's empty stomach. Soon you will be cured with this disease.

  • Mensuration: More than 50% of women suffer with irregular menstruation. To have a healthy menstrual cycle, consume decoction of leaves and roots of ti plant plants daily. This will also help in curing Asthma.

  • Dysentery: If you are suffering from watery feces, take dry roots and leaves and boil it for sometime. Consume this three times a day till you recover. This drink will also help incurring blood in cough.

  • Bloody Urine: If you are experiencing your urine is getting blood in it. To get this treated, take 500 g of roots and leaves and boil in 2 cups of water. Boil till you remain with 1 cup of water and consume it twice a day (1 cup each time) empty stomach.

  • Curing Ulcers: This herb helps in treating the stomach pain, due to acidity and formation of ulcers. To heal this up, boil some leaves and consume it daily. You will get rid of stomach pain and ulcer too.

  • Curing of the initial stage of cancer: If you have been detected with tumor or cancer, then this can be cured by consuming Ti plant leaves poison.


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