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Dracaena reflexa

Dracaena reflexa is popularly known as "Song of India". Dracaena reflexa is one of the species from Dracaena, a very efficient indoor plant which purifies air and absorbs toxins to some extent. Dracaena reflexa is among those plants which need very less care to grow healthy.

Below are a few advantages of having this indoors.

Purifies indoor air quality: Along with Pothos aka Indian Money Plant, Arrow head plant, Snake plant and Dumb cane this plant also helps to remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide, which are really bad for health. Exposure to these toxins will lead to headache, anemia, cancer, lack of oxygen and DNA mutation. According to the experts, Dracaena reflexa is one of the top air purifying plants. 

Helps in increasing concentration: This plant helps in increasing the air quality and oxygen level, which again helps in increasing oxygen to the brain and provide benefits to increase concentration, enhance memory power and focus for any sort of work. This also makes a person think positive and feel happy.

Propagation for this plant is also very easy:

  • Cut 2-3 stem cuttings

  • Mix vermicompost and garden soil well (so as to avoid the extra water in the soil)

  • Plant the cuttings into the pot

  • Water the plant for first time, and keep watering the plant only when you realize the soil is getting dry

If you see some leaves are changing their color to yellow or pale green, then cut those leaves. Regularly clean the leaves by urea solution, which will again help to keep leaves healthy and prevent it from any kind of pests and insect attacks.


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