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Benefits of Palm

Palm tree is a very commonly used herb. Aggressively grown across all over UAE. Palm fruit is popularly known as Dates. Dates are exported from Arab countries to all parts of the world. 

In Hindi, the Palm fruit is called Khajur. In Latin, this is called Phoenix Sylvestris. In Arab it is known as Nakhleh-A. Dates and leaf of Palm trees are nutritious and only give fruits in winters. There are almost 10-12 varieties of Dates and we only consume one of those. 

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Most of the people plant palm trees in their garden to enhance the beauty of their house and to increase prosperity. Palm leaves can also be used as a remedy to cure a few diseases.

In Ayurveda, Dates are considered as fruits with a cool quotient. However, it’s nature will only cool after digestion. Before digestion, it’s nature is hot, which is why it is hard to digest and generate acid. Therefore, it is advised to have maximum 5-6 dates per day for better results and have them in winters. In order to consume in the summer season, we should have Dates soaked in water and leave overnight and have to consume it first thing in the next morning.

Let's discuss some of the very effective remedies of dates and palm leaves.


  • Cough: The people having regular coughs should take 4-5 dates with a glass of milk. Heat the milk with dates till the milk gets thicker and have this once a day. 

    • For small kids upto 10 years, take 200 ml of milk and put 4-5 dates and cook till the milk gets thicker and give that once a day after breakfast. 

    • Also many children do bed wetting, you can give the above date milk to regulate.

  • Problem in urination/ kidney: The minor kidney problems, like problems in urination can be cured by Dates.
    In Summer Season take 4-5 dates, remove its seeds and keep it overnight in water, with this the warm nature of the date will cool down and the nutrition will remain intact. The next morning, have these dates (you can drink the leftover water too) empty stomach.
    In Winter Season, take 250 ml of milk, add 4-5 dates and cook till the milk gets thicker. Have it during your breakfast. 

  • Acne: For curing acne on face and to remove wrinkles, rub one date everyday. You will observe the change soon and skin will be acne and wrinkles free.

  • Dates helps to cure the constipation

  • Advised to use in the initial stage of Asthma for improvement.

  • Also, Dates help in increasing and purifying blood. 

Palm Leaves

  • Grind 3-4 leaves of this tree and heat in 250-300 ml of water for 5-10 mins. Add sugar as per taste and have it, after it cools down. This will help in strengthening the immune system of the body and will help to cure urinary along with initial kidney related problems.

As this herb is not readily available for getting fruits on it, in winters. But it’s leaves are used in preparation various items like: mats, broomstick and is used as a source of income in many countries.


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