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Snake plant

Snake plant is one of the beneficial plants that grows on it’s own and demands less care. Its common name is Mother-in-law’s tongue (LOL) and Viper’s bowstring hemp and scientific name is Sansevieria trifasciata. This is also a succulent plant which is drought resistant by its nature. It will continue to grow healthy in case we miss watering the plant or provide manure to it. 

However, on the other side, if we over-water the plant, it’s roots will start dying proceeding to the dying of the plant. It’s one of the best plants for beginners too.

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It's an easy going plant which also helps humans in various purposes. Below are the few benefits of having Snake plant in the home.

Helps in removal of toxins: 

This is one of those plants who purifies air, by absorbing numerous toxins from our atmosphere. It absorbs bad components of air like benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde, which are cancer causing pollutants and are harmful for the human body. These pollutants also cause nausea, fatigue, and headache. Per the study of NASA and WHO, Snake plants are one of the greatest air purifying plants. As at night, it absorbs maximum Carbon dioxide which helps in achieving a good mental health, increase in productivity, gaining positive thinking and a sound sleep.

A great Oxygen resource: 

It takes a maximum amount of carbon dioxide from air, it releases a great amount of oxygen into the environment and makes the environment rich in Oxygen. It helps in keeping concentration, neglects negative energies, helps in getting the cooler atmosphere, a productive mind.

Ornamental look: As it provides a very royal look to our house. Hence, we can place this in our bedroom, living room or at any other place to enhance the beauty of our house. Without putting much effort we can get an organic and non-artificial look.

Protects us against Allergies: One of the advantages of having Snake plants is reducing the chances of airborne allergies.

Benefits of Vastu and Feng Shui: According to Feng Shui and Vastu, this plant brings positive energies and brings good luck. This plant brings a good quality of life, prosperity, intelligence, beauty and strength. 

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Prevention from toxic substances: During the course of evolution, to prevent themselves from any environmental change or any kind of attack on them, plants like Pothos aka Indian Money plant, Dumb Cane, Peace lily, English ivy, Philodendron developed resistance for their protection.  

  • Snake plant contains saponins (a chemical when shaken in water will produce foam) as natural insecticide. This plant is mainly poisonous for pets like cats, dogs and children

  • Though the outer part of the leaf is safe to touch. But, If the juice which comes out after cutting the leaf applied on skin can cause rashes, dermatitis, irritation 

  • Consumption of its leaves will result in a burning sensation in the mouth. Once it’s sap or leaf has entered the Gastrointestinal tract, then it can cause blisters in the tongue and mouth. Sometimes may cause vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite along with diarrhea. In this case we should consult doctors immediately

  • If consumed by pets it can cause of foaming on their mouth and immediately consult a veterinarian


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