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Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo plant is not actually a bamboo plant. It is a kind of Dracena with the scientific name Dracena Sanderiana. It can thrive in both soil and water. They naturally grow under the canopy of wet tropical rainforest. It is considered lucky in many parts of the world. However, most of it is imported from Taiwan and China. Along it with being lucky, it is scientifically proven that it is one of the great air purifiers. We’ll discuss this in detail, but before that, let’s have a look on how we can take care of this plant and make it healthier so as to gain its advantages.

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Benefits of Lucky Bamboo: 

Interior Decor:

  • For decoration, lucky bamboo looks nicer in water. 

  • It can look like a miniature aquarium, with pebbles in the bottom and leaves outside the water. 

  • If we have an aquarium too we can place these in pebbles and can feed them with fish debris. 

  • Speaking of decoration, we must have seen round, spiral shaped sticks of lucky bamboo. 

  • It’s actually the same bamboo plant, which has been artificially grown in a spiral form by manipulating the light conditions.

Brings Prosperity:

  • In Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, Lucky bamboo is believed to bring positivity, calmness and prosperity in life. 

  • A lucky bamboo increases the flow of positive energy and hence keeping it in our home or office provides us with its best results. However, there is a particular way to get it’s best results. 

  • Below are the ways through which we can attain its great outcomes. 

    • The place we should keep this plant is in the southeast direction of our house. 

    • Southeastern discretion is considered as the entrance point for financial stability and prosperity in both Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui. 

    • According to Feng Shui, we should always keep lucky bamboo surrounded with the life’s basic elements: Earth, Water, Wood, Fire and Metal. 

    • Stem represents the wood element of life 

    • Pebbles in the pot represents the earth element 

    • Tying red ribbon on the plant represents the fire element 

    • Water represents the water element 

    • Placing the plant in a metallic pot will represent the metal element 

    • If we will place this in a glass pot, we should make sure to put a metal coin inside the pot to get the metallic element of the life. 

  • Different stalks of bamboo plants will have different significance. 

    • Lucky Bamboo plant with 2 stalks signifies love and marriage, helps non married people to ring the marriage bells.

    • Lucky Bamboo plant with 3 stalks is one of the most popular one. It is believed that it brings happiness, a healthy life and prosperity.

    • We should be aware of lucky bamboos with 4 stalks. These particular plants are not used at all, as it is believed that they actually represent a negative impact on someone’s life. So, they are not considered to be lucky to have at home.

    • Lucky Bamboo with 5 stalks is used in gaining good health and mind, which will help to excel in career too. It has the power to improve the main aspects of life, so it is commonly found in many households.

    • Lucky Bamboo with 6 stalks and 8 stalks are believed to attract prosperity and great opportunities that will help to achieve the financial stability.

    • Lucky Bamboo with 9 stalks is believed to gain good fortune in the house

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  • In Feng Shui, it is believed that Chi energy is the positive energy and proper channeling of this energy can bring peace and prosperity in our house. The very efficient way to get the chi energy’s effect is through the plant’s hollow structure of the stem. It enhances the energy’s effect in the outer world, achieving peace, calm and pure essence in the environment. 

  • We can place this in a living room, if possible in a table situated in the centre of the living room. This will help plants to reflect back the positive energies in the surrounding effectively. 

  • If placed over the fridge or in the kitchen, then it will double its effect and will keep you calm and energetic. 

  • It is recommended to keep bamboo plants in the washroom too. The energy generated from the wastewater is harmful for the human body. Keeping this plant in washrooms will nullify their effects and make the environment cleaner.

  • In Feng Shui, it is not recommended to keep this plant in bedrooms, as the energies generated by this plant is so strong that we shouldn’t be receiving these while our body is in relaxed mode or while sleeping.

  • The foremost important thing is, if we want to get the desired results in front of the plant, we need to make sure that the lucky bamboo will always be green, healthy and growing normally. Dead or pale plants can lead to promoting negative energies in our house.

  • Gifting lucky bamboo is considered very auspicious for the person who is receiving it, as it is considered to increase the luck of that person.

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Best and easy suggestions for growing Lucky Bamboo:

Growth in water:

Bamboo plants can easily be grown in only water. To keep it healthy and save our plant from turning out leaves and stem pale. The very first thing we should do is, change the water of the container every 5-7 days. Try to provide the plant only tap water. Tap water contains all necessary nutrients that will help the plant to grow.


Stated above, bamboo plant doest require much water. Hence, we can just water them when we see the soil is getting dry. In very typical hot and dry places like Rajasthan, Gujrat, Maharashtra, and some parts of Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka, we can also mist the plant, once a day or once in two three days, depending on how hot and dry our places are.

Growth in soil:

We can also grow this plant very efficiently in soil as well. We should always try to water plants only when the soil gets dry. Even though lucky bamboo likes moist soil, it’s soil cannot thrive in wet feet for a longer time. Wet feed conditions can affect plant species intolerant of wet growing conditions. This problem occurs when soils become saturated with water which in turn displaces available oxygen in it. It can also damage roots and further the dying of the plants. It is actually a very forgiving plant, even if we water them less or little more, it will still be able to survive.


For this plant, we need to have rich moisture along with well drained soil. To get this kind of soil, we should take 1/3rd part garden soil, 1/3rd part river sand (or any kind of sand) and 1/3rd part cocopeat. Sand will help in removing extra water and cocopeat will help in retaining the moisture in the soil. Lucky Bamboo is a slow grower, we can accelerate its growth by planting them in soil.


It can be propagated from a stem. For this we make a cut, just above the node and can be put into the water. This can be done for any kind of lucky bamboo. These plants will grow roots within a month or so.

Tip: For the mother stem, here is the trick to initiate further growth. Dip the fresh cut into the wax. For this we can use any ordinary candle and dip this into its molten wax. This wax will limit the critical growth of the stem and initiate side growth.


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