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Peace Lily

Here’s another great plant that some of you might appreciate having in your indoors. It’s scientific name is Spathiphyllum. This beauty adds up a pure essence to our interiors. Along with this, she gives a handful of benefits that we will discuss below. Before moving forward, let's have a look on how to grow this plant healthy to rip all its advantages.
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Grow a Peace Lily:

Preparation of soil: 

For the preparation of soil, we need 1/3rd of river sand, or any sand, 1/3rd compost and 1/3rd of garden soil. 

This plant needs well drained soil, so that after watering, the excessive water will drain out easily.


Peace lily doesn’t require much water, it is one of the drought resistant plant. So, we have to water this plant only when we see the soil is losing its moisture. We can check this by touching the soil and if the soil is sticking to our hands, then delay watering till it dries. Over watering this plant can result in soggy foliage, which is not good for its health. Less watering the plant can turn the tips of the leaves brown.


Peace Lily can survive in low light conditions. But in order to have the blossom, we need to provide at least 4-5 hours of sunlight everyday. On the other hand, if we’ll keep this in a low light area then we might not get the whole flower, but rather we can have the green bushy plant.

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Peace Lily again a very satisfactory plant and does not demand much care. Hence, to gain an adequate amount of nutrition, we can provide any kind of fertilizer twice a year, which is more than enough to keep it happy.


Peace lily can be propagated through root division. We should always think of propagating or reporting the plant only when we see the current plant is unable to get the correct amount of nutrition from the soil present in the existing pot. The roots might have grown a lot and need more space to get the plant healthier. In this case, we can shift the plant to another bigger pot and at the same time can propagate it to the second pot by dividing its roots. 

For this we have to clear the old soil from its root and get the main root. Cut it into halves, proceeding to cut a small part of the plant above the soil. We can also divide this into a considerable amount of parts and place these into the mixture of soil stated above with a few quantities of old soil and water the plant. 


We all know that Peace Lily has white color flowers. But that white part is the foliage which protects the bundle of flowers in the middle and after these flowers mature, this white leaf turns out green and finally drops off. 

These flowers blossom in a single shoot, that’s been originated from the plant's base. If once the particular shoot produced the flower it will not blossom again. Hence, in order to get a fresh flower in a new shoot, we have to very carefully cut that stalk from its origin and let that space be for the new stalk to grow up. Sometimes, we can see the dull leaves or discolored leaves. In this case also, we can cut that particular leaf from its base to keep it healthy.

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Benefits of Peace lily:
Adds up an Ornamental touch: 

This plant is the one of the attractive plants and keeping this in interior will add up a decorative touch. Its contrast colors, whole foliage covering the baby flowers with green leaves have the tendency to attract everyone's attention.

Perfect for washrooms: 

Peace lily is best for a humid region and efficiently grows in moist places. Keeping this in our restrooms will help in minimizing the moisture, which in return minimizes the odor produced by it. 

Its heavenly fragrance also plays an important role in eliminating the order, not only in the restroom but also in our house.

Again in a humid atmosphere the chances of growing molds are higher. This can cause irritation in skin, eyes, symptoms of cold etc. By keeping this plant will reduce the level of spores and molds too.

Purifies air: 

Again one more herb with air purifying traits. Along with Pothos/ Indian Money plant, Jade, Echeveria, English Ivy and Philodendron Peace lily too eliminates the VOCs (Volatile Organic compounds) such as benzene, ethylene, formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, and Xylene etc which pollute the air & are harmful for our body. Reduction of these compounds will help us increase concentration and work efficiently. 

Peace Lily also reduces the harmful radiations produced from TV, refrigerators, computers, mobiles and a lot of electronic gadgets. These harmful radiation lead to weak concentration power, headache, irritation etc. Hence, keeping this beauty will help us gain concentration too.

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Demands less care: 

As we all have seen above that, Peace lily can survive in low lights and need water only when the soil gets dry. Again for fertilization, we just need to give any kind of fertilizer, either vermicompost or organic compost, it will give the best results and will stay healthy.

Helps in improving sleep: 

As its name suggests “Peace”, so it brings calmness and peace in our surroundings. Keeping this in our bedroom will help us in relieving stress and improving sleep.

Brings fortune and peace: 

It is believed that keeping Peace Lily in our home will bring peace, prosperity and fortune to all the members. By only viewing its beauty one can achieve satisfaction and purity within self.

Prevention from Peace lily:

In the course of evolution of plants, some have built a great resistance power to protect themselves from various natural changes and attack of animals. Peace lily also has such behavior. It’s leaves and sap contains special kind of Calcium oxalate called Raphide. If any pet or child tends to consume its leaves and sap may suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. In this case, the first and foremost thing is, quickly remove the part of the plant that has been consumed, then consult the right physicists to get the proper treatment.

We can’t just let go of this beauty, because keeping this plant in our interiors will result in many of its advantages and beauty. So, as a preventive measure, we can keep this plant at a height, so as to get it out of reach from children and pets.


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