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Pilea Peperomioides

The Chinese Money Plant, scientifically known as Pilea Peperomioides, is one of the fast becoming a popular house plant because of its low maintenance needs. It originally came from China and has unique, beautiful round coin shaped leaves, which give all total a different identity to this plant. Being brought from China in 1946 by a Swedish missionary, Agnar Espegren and having coin shaped leaves, hence in general terms experts called this as "Chinese Money Plant". It is also known as the Pancake Plant, UFO plant, missionary plant, bender plant and mirror grass plant.

Benefits of Pilea Peperomioides

A symbol of good luck:  

It is believed that placing a coin in the soil of the plant will boost the money luck for the household. It will bring prosperity in the house, if this plant is placed in good condition and has green leaves.

Gets an ornamental look to interior: 

It is really attractive, coined shaped leaves add a very different touch to our interior. After growing up to 1-2 feets, all leaves form an umbrella shaped structure, which will attract all eyes towards this beauty. 

A pleasant gift: 

While gifting someone, on the wedding, birthday or any kind of celebration, Chinese money plant will be a brilliant choice, as it’s easy to handle and can thrive in difficult situations. This will again create a good bond between the two people.

Now let’s have a look into the steps  


The Chinese money plant loves to access bright light but not direct sunlight. Being in direct sunlight may burn its leaves. While on the other hand, not providing sufficient light may turn out leaves soggy and pale colored. In cooler temperatures, money plants are more likely to produce tiny white flowers on pink stems.


It does not demand much water, but we have to water the plant thoroughly till the water comes out from its base. We should always water the plant only when the top soil gets dry. Over watering this plant may lead to damage to the roots, which can further lead to the plant's bad health.


As this plant shows features like succulent, hence it requires well drained soil and less retention soil. For this we can get 1/3rd garden soil, 1/3rd compost and 1/3rd river sand (any kind of sand).

Pilea Peperomioides, out grows small baby plants, which is advised to repot twice, in the same potting mixture. 


This is a very satisfactory plant. Feeding this plant with kitchen waste compost or any organic compost every month will help this plant and its leaves healthy and green. 

Hope you like reading this article and found it helpful. Do share feedback and pics of your plant on the Feel free to share the article on your social media to spread awareness about the benefits all around you.


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