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Marigold/ Jafri

Marigold comes under the Tagetes species and belongs to the Asteraceae family. Marigold comes in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. The most common ones are Orange and Yellow color plants. Other species can be found with a mixed color of yellow, orange and  maroon in color. Marigold is a very good and affordable plant and in sizes, it varies from 3 inches to 6 feet. If we have a farm or have a garden area or any tree plantation work or vegetation work, we must plant marigolds. It breaks the monotony of the plantation site too. It is a good mosquito repellent and insect repellent. It attracts honeybees, due to which it becomes a good pollination zone. It is super easy to plant and maintain.

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How to Plant: To plant, we can get 20- 30 flowers and let them dry. Then we can separate all it’s petals and get that middle portion where the seed rests, which are black and white in color, a hair like structure. Next we have to just spread these seeds in a pot or in the garden and water them daily. In 10-15 days, you will notice germination. 

It is a great plant and can be used as a medicinal herb. Let’s have a look on how this plant can be beneficial for our health.

Cures weakness: 

Take a good quantity of marigold flowers, let them dry. Take out the black part of the flower and

keep it in a glass jar. Every morning, consume the black part with rock sugar and milk once a day.

You will notice the increase in physical energy and will feel energetic. 

Dental illness: 

Take 2-3 leaves of Marigold, wash it well and chew it for 10-20 mins. Do this every day before

going to bed. This will help in curing mouth ulcers, tooth related problems, gum inflammation,

infection and pain. 

Picture Courtesy:

Curing allergy, cough and cold: 

Dry leaves and flowers of Marigold and grind it. Take 3-4 grams of this mixture with honey, ginger,

black pepper and holy basil and prepare the decoction, by taking 2 cups of water, boiling it with

the above mentioned ingredients. This will get us relief from any kind of allergies, cough and cold.

Or we can just prepare tea by boiling one flower in 2 cups of water and boiling till we left with 1

cup of water. This will also help us in curing allergies, cough and cold.

Metrorrhagia or Likoria: 

Take 5 grams of top part of flower (leaving the middle black part) and leaves of Marigold. Mix it

with 10 grams of water (2-3 tablespoon). Consume this paste with rock sugar, every twice a day.

You will notice a relief in Metrorrhagia or Likoria. 

Healing of wounds: 

Boil its leaves and flowers, and treat wounds with poultice. Or simply we can wash the

wounds with the cold boiled water of its leaves and flowers. 

 To keep teeth healthy: 

In order to keep our teeth look brighten and strong, take crushed Marigold leaves, take out it’s

extract and mix it with rock salt, mustard oil, and a pinch of turmeric. Every morning brush your

teeth with this paste and soon you will get bright and strong teeth.

Picture Courtesy:

Facial Cleansing: 

Boil its leaves and flower and get that boiled water. Mix it with honey and gently massage your

face. In a few days you will notice any kind of blemishes, pimples and free from acne. This also

reduces the freckle and reduces wrinkles. Mix the extracted water with fullers soil, apply it on the

face and let it dry. This will give the same result and will enhance your beauty.

Ear problems: 

Get clean baby leaves of Marigold and mix it well. Put 2-3 drops of distilled water in it and get that

extract. Put 2 drops of this extract in your ear, suffering from ear pain and have pus coming out of

your ear. Its leaves extracts will help in getting resolving ear related problems too. However, to be

sure to use, please consult a good herbalist.

Hemorrhoids and piles: 

Take 4-5 grams of Marigold leaves, grind it well and consume it with honey, black pepper and

water. You will soon get relieved from anus related problem, Hemorrhoids and piles too. This drink

will also help in crying urinary problems and urine infection

Eye irritation: 

Get 10-15 leaves, grind these well and add a couple of spoons of water, just to make sure that the

consistency should be semi liquid, and can keep this over our eyelid and leave it for half an hour.

Repeating this for 4-5 times a week we’ll see a relief in irritation, strain, redness of the eye.

Picture Courtesy:

Lumps and bumps on the body: 

If you are suffering from Lumps on any of your body parts, then take a few leaves of the Marigold.

Crush these well and apply on the affected part. You can also apply bandage tape to keep

seeping the leaves extracts into the lumps to dissolve them.

Neglects Vastu dosh:

Whomever have this magical plant with blossom in it in the house, will helps in minimize any

Vastu dosh and negative energies


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