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Showing posts from October, 2020

Boston Fern

Boston fern, a flowerless plant which has feathery and leafy frond. It is scientifically known as Nephrolepis exaltata and belongs to the family Nephrolepidaceae. Every frond reproduces by spores released from the undersides of the parent fronds. These are mostly found in all parts of the world and naturally grown in moist and humid environments. Particularly, Boston fern has many benefits which we should be aware of. Keeping these beautiful green feather-like plants at home can make our home more attractive too. Let's discuss its benefits along with steps to care for this fern. Picture Courtesy: Benefits of Boston fern The great air purifier: The indoor air quality plays an important role in keeping us healthy. Bad indoor air quality may occur due to VOCs (Volatile Organic compounds) such as benzene, ethylene, formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide, Toluene and Xylene etc which pollute the air & are harmful for our body. These are commonly found in

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo plant is not actually a bamboo plant. It is a kind of Dracena with the scientific name Dracena Sanderiana. It can thrive in both soil and water. They naturally grow under the canopy of wet tropical rainforest. It is considered lucky in many parts of the world. However, most of it is imported from Taiwan and China. Along it with being lucky, it is scientifically proven that it is one of the great air purifiers. We’ll discuss this in detail, but before that, let’s have a look on how we can take care of this plant and make it healthier so as to gain its advantages. Picture Courtesy: Benefits of Lucky Bamboo:   Interior Decor: For decoration, lucky bamboo looks nicer in water.  It can look like a miniature aquarium, with pebbles in the bottom and leaves outside the water.  If we have an aquarium too we can place these in pebbles and can feed them with fish debris.  Speaking of decoration, we must have seen round, spiral shaped sticks of luck

Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant - A common tropical plant, which we all should have at our home. It’s scientific name is Ficus elastica and broadly found in two major varieties. One with burgundy coloured leaves and other one with variegated leaves. Both when kept in our interior, make us feel attached to nature and make our house and interior more lively. Let's discuss the gifts it provides us, merely by keeping this as a decor. But, before we proceed, let's have a look on what are the essential requirements to keep this plant healthier, so as to get its best results. Picture Courtesy: Tricks to have a healthy rubber plant Soil: This plant needs a well drained soil. For that we can take 1/3rd of any local garden soil, 1/3rd sand and 1/3rd coco peat. It does not demand much water, so excessive water will drain out and coco peat will help in retention of the moisture of the soil for a longer time. Water: Water is a very necessary requirement for all the plants. Ho


Philodendron is one of the genus, which has a great number of species. Each and every species vary a lot from each other. This plant has a tendency to grow on a well nourished tree, be a parasite on that and get the nutrition from the tree and air. Few species of Philodendron have a very beautiful pattern of cuttings on them which adds up the different essence placed in our garden and interior. It is really impossible to let go of their variety of leaves, which tends to attract everyone and can add a new look to our home. Let's discuss some points on taking care of them and how they can be beneficial to us in return. Picture Courtesy: How to Care for Philodendrons: Water:  All Philodendrons take nutrients from air or they take nutrients from the host plant. By this behaviour, Philodendron don’t really need much water as it doesn’t take much nutrition from soil. Hence, we just need to water them only when the soil gets dry out. It just need

Peace Lily

Here’s another great plant that some of you might appreciate having in your indoors. It’s scientific name is Spathiphyllum. This beauty adds up a pure essence to our interiors. Along with this, she gives a handful of benefits that we will discuss below. Before moving forward, let's have a look on how to grow this plant healthy to rip all its advantages. Picture Courtesy: Grow a Peace Lily: Preparation of soil:  For the preparation of soil, we need 1/3rd of river sand, or any sand, 1/3rd compost and 1/3rd of garden soil.  This plant needs well drained soil, so that after watering, the excessive water will drain out easily. Watering: Peace lily doesn’t require much water, it is one of the drought resistant plant. So, we have to water this plant only when we see the soil is losing its moisture. We can check this by touching the soil and if the soil is sticking to our hands, then delay watering till it dries. Over watering this plant can result in soggy f