In India, commonly known as Champa. Do you know the scientific name of Champa is Plumeria and it is one of the genus of Apocynaceae family and can be confused with Oleander. It is commonly known as frangipani in most of the tropical regions. It has almost 20 species with very attractive flowers in each. Plumeria is also found in various sizes from a small shrub to a well grown tree, giving us very enriching and fresh flowers. It is super easy to maintain in our garden, that might keep growing till our next generation. This small tree or shrub is also known as the “Tree of life” because it continues to blossom even when it is cut. Ancient Indians even believe that the tree represents the infinite life of our soul. Let's have a look on how this beautiful plant and it’s flowers offer us apart from increasing the beauty of our gardens. Starting from Plumeria oil to it’s seeds, leaves and flowers, are really beneficial for keeping our body and mind healthy. However, apart from Plumeria...
Purpose of this blog is to bring awareness about benefits of the indoor plants. We can use these plants in our daily routine. Along with this we can employ these as interior decoration that requires minimum care and can be maintained in small space.