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Aloe Vera - A Beauty Supplement

We all have read various benefits of Aloe Vera in the other article Aloe Vera - A Medicinal Herb. We all are aware that Aloe as a herb is also a very excellent beauty agent. Along with various skin and hair benefits, I have mentioned a handful of additional uses of Aloe vera, which you will find very useful and handy. Picture Courtesy: Antioxidants & Antibacterial:  Antioxidants are very important for the human body. They help in building the immunity of the body. It helps in increasing the metabolism of the body, which again helps to lose weight within a few weeks. Aloe Vera is also rich in antioxidants and provides the above mentioned benefits, if we consume aloe juice every morning with an empty stomach.  Aloe Vera is also used as an antibacterial and antiseptic asset. So, Aloe Vera gel is applied on cuts and wounds to increase the healing process. It also removes unwanted scars too.  Detoxifying and Dehydration:  We all know that Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera - A Medicinal Herb

Aloe Vera is from the Aloe genus and is one of the most useful Succulent species. It has numerous benefits. This plant can grow in hot climates, thus it’s leaves store water which helps them to prepare for the process of photosynthesis. This watery part is actually a jelly kind of substance, which is used for various purposes.  Aloe Vera treats various skin diseases, used for natural hair repair treatments and consumption of Aloe Vera juice helps in curing many diseases. Aloe vera juice is prepared by grinding whole leaf outer and inner parts. Then followed by various steps to refinement and purifying the juice. In some Aloe juices mild flavoring is also added to make ease consumption. Picture Caption: Below are few benefits of drinking the Aloe juice and applying the Aloe gel, which altogether have mesmerizing benefits. Alkalinity: Aloe Vera is Alkaline in nature. In case a person has acidic blood or is suffering from frequent acidity, consumption o

Succulent Plant

Picture Credit: Succulents are a super satisfactory plant for beginners. These plants are commonly found and efficiently grown in desert and arid regions, which is why they need less care and watering. However, over watering can lead to damage to the roots and hence, the plant will die. These plants can grow in extreme climates, so they are fleshy and juicy, which helps them in the process of transpiration. There are almost 25 plant families that are Succulents. A wide variety of succulent plants grow in every adverse climate, like in desert areas and extremely cold areas.  There are two main types of Succulents: Cold Hardy and Soft Succulents. Cold Hardy succulents can survive beyond freezing temperature and can efficiently grow in alpine climates . On the other hand , Soft Succulents can just survive till the freezing point of water and will perform better in desert and arid areas.  There are numerous advantages of keeping succulents in your


Basil is a very common plant and found in various parts of South Asian countries. There are mostly 10 varieties of Basil, among which two are broadly found in India. All these Basils can be used as the part of salad or used as an ingredient in food. Along with this, Tulsi or Holy basil hosts a significant role, whether to curing various diseases or worshiped as a holy plant in Hindu culture. Below are the best ways to consume Holy Basil. Picture Courtesy: Basil Tea: To gain the goodness of Tulsi, we can take 2 Tulsi leaves along with honey, ginger and one teaspoon of black pepper an boil in a 1.5 cup Boil for 15-20 mins and serve when it is almost 1 cup Add Basil into regular tea: Prepare Assam tea, or the tea you take everyday Put 2 Basil leaves into it, while boiling  Ready to serve Here are the few advantages by which consuming these two basil tea can help in reducing numerous health disorders. Helps in lowering down fever, by consuming the Ba

Snake plant

Snake plant is one of the beneficial plants that grows on it’s own and demands less care. Its common name is Mother-in-law’s tongue (LOL) and Viper’s bowstring hemp and scientific name is Sansevieria trifasciata . This is also a succulent plant which is drought resistant by its nature. It will continue to grow healthy in case we miss watering the plant or provide manure to it.  However, on the other side, if we over-water the plant, it’s roots will start dying proceeding to the dying of the plant. It’s one of the best plants for beginners too. Picture Courtesy: It's an easy going plant which also helps humans in various purposes. Below are the few benefits of having Snake plant in the home. Helps in removal of toxins:  This is one of those plants who purifies air, by absorbing numerous toxins from our atmosphere. It absorbs bad components of air like benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde, which are cancer causing pollutants and are

Dracaena reflexa

Dracaena reflexa is popularly known as " Song of India" . Dracaena reflexa is one of the species from Dracaena, a very efficient indoor plant which purifies air and absorbs toxins to some extent. Dracaena reflexa is among those plants which need very less care to grow healthy. Picture Courtesy: Below are a few advantages of having this indoors. Purifies indoor air quality: Along with Pothos aka Indian Money Plant , Arrow head plant , Snake plant and Dumb cane this plant also helps to remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide, which are really bad for health. Exposure to these toxins will lead to headache, anemia, cancer, lack of oxygen and DNA mutation. According to the experts, Dracaena reflexa is one of the top air purifying plants.  Helps in increasing concentration: This plant helps in increasing the air quality and oxygen level, which again helps in increasing oxygen to the brain and provide benefits to incr

Importance of Parijat in Hindu Culture

According to the various Hindu Scriptures, Bhagwat Mahapuran , Mahabharata , Shiva Purana and Vishnu Purana , at the time of Samudra Manthan , this Parijat tree appeared and was offered to Devtas. This tree was placed in the garden of Devaloka and was helping in reducing the stress of DevKanyas and Apsaras .  According to Bhagwat Mahapuran and Vishnu Purana , Satyabhama was getting jealous of Rukmini , as she was his first wife, incarnation of goddess Lakshmi and the queen consort. She had a feeling that Krishna loves Rukmini more than me and hence gave her most of the rights. Picture Courtesy: Hence, once when Narakasura attacked Bhu-loka after defeating Devraj Indra and had stolen his mother Dev Mata Aditi’s precious earrings. While Krishna was getting prepared to have a battle with Narakasuar, Satyabhama asked him to participate in this battle. Krishna agreed on this and both went for the face off with Narakasura. At the end of the war